漫湖では今までに約200種類の野鳥が観察されており、そのうち約100種がサギやカモ、シギやチドリなどの水鳥です。漫湖は日本列島や朝鮮半島等の東北アジアと台湾、フィリピンなど東南アジアをつなぐ渡り鳥の重要な中継地であるため、秋から春にかけて数多くの鳥たちを観察することができます。世界的に希少なズグロカモメやクロツラヘラサギなど も毎年越冬しています。
改訂版 沖縄の野鳥 沖縄野鳥研究会 編 新星出版
決定版 日本の野鳥590 写真 真木広造 解説 大西敏一 平凡社
Manko is the oasis of Waterbirds
Manko is an important landing point for waterbirds flying to and from East Asia and Australia due to the abundance of young fish and benthic organisms for them to prey on.
For this reason,Manko has been registered under the Ramsar list of wetlands of international importance in order to protect the habitat of migrating birds,which has significance not only for Japan but the rest of the world.In addition,Manko is part of the East Asian-Australian Flyway Partnership,an inportant habitat network for migratory waterbirds.Sandpipers and plovers such as pacific golden plovers and grey-tailed tattlers, as well as black-faced spoonbills and saunders’ gulls,which are small in number anywhere in the world,all spend their winters at Manko.
Manko is an important resting area for such migrating birds,and serves as an oasis.